Accueil Tactileo Map Tools in Tactileo Map

Tools in Tactileo Map

Prerequisites : the Tactileo Map app is installed on your Android tablet.

In the following of this tutorial, either the user has opened a session of a scenario or is in free exploration mode.

In order to import a scenario, see Broadcast a scenario

In the menu on the left, you can explore the tools of the application. They are configurable via the scenario editor. They redirect the user to a third-party application and allow to return to the map.

Note: the user can add a text marker to his position

Picture: allows you to add a picture

Sound level meter: records the sound levels (as a text file)

Diagram : there are 3 ways to create a diagram:

→ Diagram on a blank page

→ Diagram on a picture

→ Diagram on the map

Clinometer: allow to measure a tilt


KMZ export : allow to saves a user’s path and to make it viewable on google earth

Microphone: useful in audio recording