
Accueil Education Insertion of latex formulas into a Tactileo item

Insertion of latex formulas into a Tactileo item

Using the rich editor

You can open this modal window by clicking on the Σ button of the text editor menu :

Direct fill out

It also is possible to directly fill in latex code by framing text between $$:



– Some expressions are available in the formula editor:


Fraction: $$\frac{3}{5}$$

– These ones are not available in the formula editor:

Angle: $$ \ widehat {ABC} $$

Vector: $$ \ vec {AB} $$

Limit: $$ \ lim \ limits_ {x \ rightarrow {+ \ infty }} f (x) = 1 $$

It also is possible to use \ $ instead of $$, as it takes less space in height

\ $ \ sqrt {5} \ $ Square root

One thing to keep in mind is that the output is not the same if you use the editor or direct fill out, the advantage of using the editor is that it gives you a formula that can be interpreted in the text.

– With the labels

These formulas can also be used in the labels:

Cloze test, to connect, to order, to group, to caption and to recompose a text